Saturday, February 22, 2014


Aboriginal people have fought and continue to fight hard for rights. The statement starts with a patronising, racist statement that doesn't identify that problems for the tribal people are primarily created by violent terrorist groups such as the V.E.C.

At different times in Australian history these rights were withheld from Aboriginal people by Federal, State and local government authorities.

Bullshit. The truth is that your rights are not derived from these so-called authorities. 

Neither are the are the members of the tribes. 

Aboriginal organisations and individuals carried on the struggle for rights over many decades.

According to the racist V.E.C.. 'the struggle' ended at some time in the past.

Maybe they should ask Gunnai elder Robbie Thorpe if this is actually the case? 

The V.E.C. used this technique to give a false impression that;
                           a) That everything is fair,

                           b) The tribes are not trying to get their land back, and

                           c) That the tribes agree that they are subordinate to this terrorist Victorian cistern. 

Using a range of strategies, they drew public attention to their grievances and often gained access to politicians at the highest level.

Aboriginal leaders wrote letters to members of parliament, they sent petitions, they held demonstrations and formed political organisations to agitate for reform.

Pre 1900

Between 1856 and 1900 all Australian colonies had given –as if it was theirs to give– Aboriginal men the right to vote. 
However, in Western Australia and Queensland being a property owner was a pre-condition of being able to vote. 
This is how their racist crime syndicate works. 
It offers you something that you 'conditional access' to the resources that they stole off you, in exchange for tacit acceptance of their theft & control of you, your land & your land's resources.
Pretty fair deal, yes?  
At the time, this would have applied to few, if any, Aboriginal men. 
 In 1894, South Australia was the only colony to give the vote to women, including Aboriginal women. 

Despite this, the right to vote was often very difficult to exercise due to restrictive conditions on voter registration.

1902 - The Commonwealth Electoral Act

In 1902 the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902 was passed. The Act outlined who could vote in Federal elections and Section 4 of the Act stated:
No Aboriginal native of Australia, Africa or the Islands of the Pacific except New Zealand shall be entitled to have his name placed on an Electoral Roll unless so entitled under section 41 of the Constitution.
Notice that the racist term Aboriginal is being applied to black people from a variety of countries. 
This is because there is no race of people called 'Aboriginal'. 
It is a racist word employed by privileged whites to simplify & reduce the identity of black men & women. 
These terrorists then infect you & them with the same racist spell.  
  The Act was interpreted very narrowly with reference to Aboriginal people, so that only those Aboriginal people whose names were already on the electoral roll for their State elections would be able to vote in the Commonwealth elections. This right would die with them, because their children's names could not be added to the roll. In addition to this, if an Aboriginal person's name was removed from the State electoral roll (if they were serving a prison term or were dependent on welfare, for example), then they would also be struck from the Commonwealth electoral roll with no further opportunity to enrol.

As per usual, this racist article refuses to address the issue of choice. As in the choice of people to under under their own lore, or, the invaders law. 


1949: Voting rights granted to Aboriginal servicemen

The Australian Aborigines League (AAL), formed in 1932 by William Cooper, fought to end all discriminatory practices against Aboriginal people in "civic, political and economic" spheres and demanded full citizens "rights". 
The violent, racist tactics of the Anglo terrorists show fruit when they have managed to convince tribal people to appeal for 'more rights' in the terrorist Anglo cistern.

This is no different to the battered-wife syndrome where if you consistently beat somebody down with violence and abuse, some will ask & beg for 'more rights' as opposed to an equal, fair and reasonable standard of behaviour.
The point of this is that it legitimises the violence and crime, although even worse, it includes you as a participant, and, traps you into the benefit/liability logic where the government expects you to pay $1000 because you accepted a gift of being able to vote for which psychopath wil rape you for the next 4 years. 
The Australian Government agreed and in 1949 the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 was amended to give the Federal vote to Aboriginal people who were serving, or who had served, in the defence forces.

1962: Voting rights for all Aboriginal people

In 1962 the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 was again amended to give all Aboriginal people the right to vote in Commonwealth elections, although voting was not compulsory.

1983: Voting becomes compulsory

A further amendment to the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 was passed in 1983 which made voting compulsory for all enrolled Aboriginal people. 
 Today Aboriginal people have the same citizenship rights as other Australians


The tribes own the land and have their own superior lore, but, in 2014, we still have racist white criminals trying to tell black people what their rules are for living.
However, they are typically underrepresented/uninterested? when elections arise. 

Fewer Aboriginal people cast their vote on election day than are eligible –as opposed to white people? More racism designed to train and program you and your opinion– and there is currently only one Aboriginal in the Australian Parliament.

In contrast, a number of Aboriginal people do currently represent electorates at State and Territorial level, and South Australia has had an Aboriginal Governor, Sir Douglas Nicholls (external link).

The future

It is compulsory for Australian citizens who are 18 years of age or older to be enrolled and vote. More importantly, no political process can be truly democratic without the direct input of all people.
The VEC wants to empower all voters to cast their vote on election day. 
The VEC encourages Aboriginal Victorians to: Yarn up, be strong and vote. 

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